Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Romanian - English Dictionary

*If you want to hear the sounds, click on the Romanian words! They (usually) open  with Quick Time Player. Click the BACK button all the time to return to the Dictionary page. Enjoy learning Romanian!*

1. Salutând şi făcând cunoştinţă - Greeting and introducing someone

1.1.    Words:

Bună dimineaţa = Good morning
Bună ziua =  Good afternoon
Bună seara = Good evening
Noapte bună = Good night
nume = name
Bună! / Salut!= Hello! / Hi!
Mulţumesc! = Thank you!
Pe mai târziu/ Pe curând!  = See you (later)/ See you soon!
Pa/La revedere! = Bye/ Good bye!
Da! / Nu! = Yes! /No!
Crăciun fericit! = Merry Christmas!
An nou fericit! = Happy New Year!
Paste fericit! = Happy Easter!
O zi bună! = Have a nice day!
Azi/mâine = today/tomorrow

1.2.    Phrases:

Cum te cheamă? Cum vă numiţi? = What’s your name?
Mă numesc.... . =  My name is ..... .
De unde sunteţi/eşti? = Where are you from?

1.3.    Dialogue


“Hi! My name is Maria.
What’s your name?”

“My name is Dan!”

“Where are you from, Dan?

“I’m from Baia Mare, a town from the North of Romania.

“This is my friend Alex!”

“Hello, Alex! Nice to meet you!”

“How old are you, Dan?

“I’m 18. And you?”

“I’m 14.”

“How are you?”

“I’m very well, thank you! “

“It’s getting late! I have to go home. See you tomorrow!”

“Ok! Good night!”

“Bye, Dan! Bye, Alex!”

“Bye, Maria!”

2. Călătorii - Travelling and asking for directions

        2.1. Words:

Bine aţi venit! = Welcome!
taxi = taxi
aeroport = airport
staţie de autobus = bus station
tren = train
gară = railway station
avion = aeroplane
maşină = car
metrou = tube/subway
semafor = traffic lights
la dreapta/la stânga = on the right/on the left
(drept) înainte = straight on
în faţa = in front of
pod = bridge
intersecţie = crossroad

       2.2. Phrases:

-Puteţi să-mi spuneţi unde este gara? = “Can you tell me where the railway station is?”
-De unde pot lua un taxi, vă rog? = “Where can I get a taxi, please?”
-Cât va datorez? / Poftiţi banii!   = “How much do I owe you? / Here is the money!”
-Scuzaţi-mă, este vreun hotel lângă aeroport? = “Excuse me , is there a hotel near the airport?”
-Mergeţi inainte şi apoi o luaţi la stânga, pe pod! = “Go straight on, then turn left on the bridge!

      2.3. Dialogue 

În faţa Biroului de Informaţii 
Tourist=T   Office worker= OW

In front of the Information desk

“Good evening!”

“Good evening! Can I help you?”

“Yes, please. Can you tell me where the Carpaţi Hotel is?”

“It is near the Central Park. Here is a map of the town.”

“Thank you, but how can I get there?”

“ By bus number 8 or by taxi.”

“It’s late. I prefer going by taxi. Where can I get one?”

“There is a taxi stand in front of the railway station, but if you turn left, cross the street and go straight on around 10 meters, you get to the bus station.”

“Thank you very much! Good bye!”

“You’re welcome. Have a nice day!”

În taxi
Şoferul= The Driver = D

In the taxi

“Good evening! Take me to the Carpaţi Hotel, please!”

“O.K……..We arrived at the hotel.”

“How much do I owe you?”

“10 euros.”

“Here is the money,”

“Thank you. Here is the bill and the change. Good night!”

“Good night!”

3. La restaurant - At the restaurant

     3.1. Words:   
restaurant = restaurant
meniu = menu
chelner / chelneriţă = waiter / waitress
mâncare = food
supă = soup
fel de bază = main course
friptură = steak
cartofi pai = chips
desert = dessert
băutură = drink
sare/piper = salt/pepper
pâine = bread
îngheţată = icecream

     3.2. Phrases:

-O masă pentru două persoane, vă rog! = “A table for two, please!”
-La ce oră se serveşte micul dejun? = “What time do you serve breakfast?
-Puteţi să-mi aduceţi meniul? = “Could you please, bring me the menu?”
-Care este specialitatea casei? = “What is the specialty of the house?”       
-Poftă bună! = “Good appetite!”

     3.3. Dialogue

Waiter = W     Customer = C

“Good afternoon! Welcome to our restaurant!”

“Good afternoon!.I would like a table for two.”

“This way, please. You can sit here.”

“Could you bring us the menu, please?”

“Sure! Here it is!”

“Do you serve traditional food?”

“Yes. I recommend you the specialty of the house: Peasant soup and Vine leaves rolls as a main course. And if you don’t drive, you can start with a small glass of ţuică, the traditional drink.

“O.K. And bring some water, please, too!”

“Would you like white or whole-wheat bread?”

“Graham, if it is possible.”

“What would you like as a dessert? A cake?”

“No, I would like a chocolate ice cream for my husband and a strawberry one for me.”

“Here is your order, please. I hope you enjoy the meal! Good appetite!”

“Thank you!.................Can you bring me the bill, please?”

“Yes! Here it is.”

“Here is the money and your tip. It was a delicious meal!”

“Thank you! Come again!”


4. La cumpărături - Shopping

     4.1. Words:

magazin = shop
magazin de suveniruri = souvenir shop
cadou = present
îmbrăcăminte = clothes
vânzătoare = shop assistant
client = customer
casierie = cashier
sacoşă/ pungă = shopping bag
card de credit = credit card
restul = the change
bon = voucher
a incerca = to try on
cabina de probă = fitting room
a cumpăra = to buy
mărime / culoare = size/ colour

     4.2. Phrases:

-Aş dori să cumpăr un cadou / o atenţie pentru..........= „I would like to buy a present / a souvenir for........”
-Ce culoare / mărime aţi dori? =  „What colour / size would you like ?” 
-Cât costă?  = „How much is it?”
-Avem multe reduceri / promoţii azi!  = „We have a lot of discounts/  sales today!”
-Pot să încerc această bluză?  = „Can I try this blouse on?”

     4.3. Dialogue:

Customer = C   Shop assistant = SA

In the Souvenir Shop

“Good morning! Can I help you?”

“Yes, I would like to buy a present for my friend.  What would you recommend me?

“I think this blouse is a perfect present”

“Can I try it on? We have the same size.”

“Sure. The fitting room is over there.”

“Do you have another colour?”

“I’m sorry, it is the only one.”

“How much is it?”

“It’s 50 euros.”

“It’s very expensive!”

“It’s handmade. But you have 10% discount.”

“Here is the money.”

“Thank you. Do you need a shopping bag?”

“Yes, please. Good bye!”

“Good bye and come again!”

5. Conversaţii - Small talk

     5.1. Words:

Scuzati! = Excuse me!
Sigur = sure / of course
Cu plăcere = You are welcome
a închiria = to rent
Informaţii turistice = tourist information
Deschis / Închis = Opened / Closed
iarna / vara = in winter/ summer
staţiune = resort
pârtie de schi = ski slope
renumit(ă) = famous
vremea = the weather
prognoza meteo = the weather forecast
drum = road
luni = Monday
a plăti = to pay
bilet = ticket

     5.2. Phrases:

-Cât e ceasul/ora? = „What’s the time?”
-Când se deschide / închide?   = „When does it open / close?”
-De unde pot închiria o maşină? = „Where can I rent a car?”
-Care este cea mai renumită staţiune de iarnă? = „Which is the most famous winter resort?”
-Cum este vremea astăzi? = „What is the weather like today?”

     5.3. Dialogues:
La Agenţia de turism

At the Travel Agency

“Are you for the first time in Romania?”

“Yes, and I am very elated!” 
“What would you like to visit?”

“First of all, I would like to rent a car.”

“You can choose one from our car park.”

“I like the blue Polo”

“And here is the itinerary of your visit in Maramureş.”

“Which is the first place I can visit?”

“The Merry Cemetery from Săpânţa. It is opened from 8 to 16 every day, but all the museums are closed on Monday.”

“Where can I go skiing this weekend?”

“The most famous ski slope is in the Cavnic resort.”

“Thank you very much!”

“You are welcome. Have a nice trip!”

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